WordPress Plugin: Up to 60% smaller images & CDN

In 2019 WordPress powered 35% of the Internet. 60% of all CMS websites were made using WordPress. Nearly 28% of all e-commerces are WooCommerce Stores. Can you imagine that? So if you are part of these statistics and run your website, blog, or e-commerce through WordPress, you know how important images are. Images are byContinue reading “WordPress Plugin: Up to 60% smaller images & CDN”

On-demand Image Resizing API

Hello guys. Today I’m going to share with you a very cool project I’m working on. Its main mission is to apply all Web Development Best Practices applied for images and combine them into one simple but powerful API. It’s called ImageBoss. And my objective today with this post it’s to help you to understandContinue reading “On-demand Image Resizing API”